On August 1 OSHA announced the recent launch of a redesigned website for its Whistleblower Protection Program. The interactive, streamlined design highlights important information and data on more than 20 statutes OSHA enforces.
The redesign includes a new homepage with a video that showcases industries the program covers, and menu options that allow employers and employees to easily find information about their rights and responsibilities. Users can access information on protected activities, filing deadlines, and resources based on subject/industry or statute. OSHA used feedback received at recent whistleblower stakeholder meetings to inform the redesign. Whistleblower Home Page
The statutes enforced by OSHA are listed below. The statutes contain whistleblower (anti-retaliation) provisions that generally provide that employers may not discharge or otherwise retaliate against an employee because the employee has filed a complaint or exercised any other rights provided to employees by the statute. Each law requires that complaints be filed within a certain number of days after the alleged retaliation. Complaints may be filed orally or in writing, and OSHA will accept the complaint in any language. The statues listed by OSHA are on this link