Use World Kindness Day to Kickoff 2025
November 13, 2024, is designated as World Kindness Day. First introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, World Kindness Day offers an opportunity to highlight good deeds
Thriving, energetic employees are the backbone of organizational well-being.
Flourishing, energetic employees are the backbone of organizational well-being. If your employees are mentally checked out or looking for the next opportunity, your business will never perform at its peak. Which means that employees who are physically, emotionally, psychologically, and socially drained are costing your company money. So, to help your employees thrive – and hence your business – you need to focus on their well-being. That’s how we help. We’re experts in improving employee well-being and helping businesses thrive through the people that work there. The well-being of your employees is inextricably connected to the well-being of your organization. Our unique model can be applied to and benefit both employees and the company.
We develop customized initiatives to enhance well-being such as building resilience, cultivating a positive mindset and psychological safety.
Get a full-scale analysis of your business and recommended solutions.
November 13, 2024, is designated as World Kindness Day. First introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, World Kindness Day offers an opportunity to highlight good deeds
Here is a simple, yet powerful example of how small ergonomic adjustments can make a huge difference in comfort, and it also serves as an
A recent HBR article provides practical techniques to weave mindfulness practices throughout the workday. The practices enhance self-awareness and help to reset how one wants
Wellness doesn’t just encompass physical health. Our emotional, spiritual, social, psychological, cognitive, and physical states all are interconnected. And employees struggling in any area impacts health and productivity.
That’s why Dimensions embraces the Next Generation of Wellness to move beyond physical health alone to consider all dimensions, for employees as well as the organization, and address the real issues, rather than just the symptoms.
With many different workshops addressing all different concerns for the well-being of your employees and yourself, Dimensions offers initiatives and workshops at your facility or via video conference. Our goals are to enhance well-being, actionable steps, and sustainability.
Wellness Topic Examples: Basic Awareness/ Mindful Meditation, Resilience and Well-Being, Leader Resilience and Well-Being, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Relationships, Meditation Based Nutritional Wisdom.
We also offer health coaching and mentoring
Are you ready for the next evolution of your wellness program? Whether you’re just starting to think about employee well-being, or you have an established program, we take a hard look at your program, your desires, and the needs of your employees and the organization to find areas of improvement and help you fill in the gaps. The next generation of wellness programs are all about resilience, well-being, connections and building stronger relationships. We’re going to help you get there.
Our expert Occupational Health Nursing Staff know exactly what to look for when performing an audit.
We identify strengths, gaps, and best-in-class solutions. And we do it by conducting an extremely comprehensive evaluation of your current services and your organization’s needs. We take a relational systems approach to assess processes within the clinic, and relationships with stakeholders
Our review is multi-faceted – looking at qualitative and quantitative measures to pinpoint your needs.
It takes More Than A Screening – Health screenings are important, but if that’s all your wellness program consists of, you could be missing huge opportunities to improve employee well-being, morale, and productivity. Certain assessments and results-based coaching and mentoring could be exactly what your employees needs to get back on track and reach incredible new heights. We look deeply at every dimension of well-being to ensure your employees are where they need to be to reach high levels of wellness. Because with employee wellness comes organizational well-being.
Strong employee well-being isn’t a nice to have. It has a real, tangible effect on your business’ bottom line. If your employees are disengaged or your company is a revolving door, you need expert advice on how best to keep talent, attract the very best, and improve employee morale.
We help align your wellness program as a business strategy.
Many companies offer weight loss programs for their employees, but they’re rarely successful. Most participants regain the weight, yo-yo diet, and find themselves frustrated.
By taking a mindful, meditation-based approach to nutrition, we help participants change their relationship with food and create healthier eating habits.
This approach helps your employees enhance well-being, live healthier lifestyles, enjoy food, and even lose weight.
If the culture of a company could be boiled down to its most important elements, they would be trust, support, respect, civility, organizational values, and a feeling of safety and well-being. If any of these elements are missing, your employees will start to lose heart. Morale will dip, engagement will reduce, and employee well-being suffers.
We dive deep to find and close gaps, identify employee concerns and explore the best approaches to create a dynamic workplace that is an environment of physical, psychological and social safety and well-being. If your employees thrive and prosper, they’ll bring your company along for the ride.