A recent Glassdoor study found a strong statistical link between employee well-being and customer satisfaction among a large sample of some of the largest companies today. The bottom line is that happier and more satisfied employees deliver better customer service. This is true not only in industries with the closest contact between employees and customers, such as retail, tourism, restaurants, and health care, but also in tech and manufacturing companies that benefit by creating employee-customer connections.
Several of our manufacturing clients have created such experiences. They foster employee well-being and a positive working environment plus cultivate ways to connect employees with customers. Both the work performed and the customer experience become personal, which benefits all stakeholders. It truly requires both inward and outward facing satisfaction. Companies often are customer focused, such as the patient experience in healthcare settings. However, this is only made possible and enhanced when organizations are also inward facing focused – ensuring that the employees experience a positive and supportive work-environment that enhances well-being.
Such an inward and outward facing focus impacts profits. The researchers calculated an increase of 7.8% to 18.9% in long-term market valuation using study results indicating a 1% improvement in customer satisfaction scores was associated with a statistically significant 4.6% boost in overall stock market value. Happy Employees = Happy Customers