Updated OSHA Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in the Workplace
Based on the CDC Interim Public Health Guidelines for vaccinated individuals, this OSHA guidance is intended to help employers and workers to identify COVID-19 exposure risks to workers who are unvaccinated or otherwise at-risk, and to help them take appropriate steps to prevent exposure and infection. Three suggestions are:
- Focus protections on unvaccinated and otherwise at-risk workers
- Encourage COVID-19 vaccination
- Add links to guidance with the most up-to-date content
Deadline Approaching: OSHA Training Grants Focus on Infectious Disease
On June 17, 2021, the US Department of Labor announces availability of more than $21M in grants for training on workplace hazards, infectious diseases.
The first availability will provide $10 million under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021for Workplace Safe
ty and Health Training on Infectious Diseases, including the Coronavirus grants.
Applications are due July 19th. To be eligible for these grants, applicants must develop training that focuses on four program emphasis areas:
- Identifying and preventing workplace-related infectious diseases, including the coronavirus, in industries with high illness rates, those employing frontline workers or those serving susceptible populations.
- OSHA standards that address infectious diseases, including coronavirus.
- Workplace hazards identified in OSHA special emphasis programs or other priorities associated with infectious diseases, including the coronavirus.
Confidential 300 Log Required for Positive COVID Cases
Just a Reminder: A COVID-19 log is required for any diagnosed positive COVID cases regardless of whether or not the cases are due to a work-related exposure. The requirement is intended to assist the employer with tracking and evaluating instances of employees who are COVID-19 positive without regard to whether those employees were infected at work. Among other things, the tracking will help evaluate potential workplace exposure to other employees and will assist the employer in following requirements for notifying employees who have been exposed to COVID-19 in the workplace and removing employees from the workplace when necessary.
The COVID-19 log must be maintained as though it is a confidential medical record and must not be disclosed except as required by OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard or other federal laws are in effect.