Be Prepared: Grab and Go Emergency Bag

Below is a list of considerations to make easily accessible in case of emergencies. This became more important to us after talking with a colleague whose co-worker lost all during the CA fires. He had 5 minutes to get to his car. Now an emergency is days away for NC and SC residents with the hurricane threat looming.

Considerations to Grab and Go:

  • Basic electronics such as extra cell and computer chargers, a battery charger, battery or hand-cranked radio, and LED flashlight
  • Toiletries including wipes, hand-sanitizer, first aid kit, travel size personal toiletries
  • Extra set of clothing including rain gear
  • Meds – 3 days worth
  • Paper work in a zip lock, water proof bag with such items as birth certificate, passport, driver’s license copy, SS and Medicare cards, will or power of attorney, proof of address, insurance card, credit card and ATM information, marriage, adoption, and/or naturalization certificates
  • Water and granola type bars
  • Cash for a few days including quarters for vending machines.

Here is a resource for other ideas to be prepared if an emergency strikes your area. Make a Grab and Go ER Bag

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