Do your KPIs reflect your strategic priorities i.e., key stakeholders? KPIs related to employee satisfaction, safety, turnover, productivity, or innovation?
Tracking what matters really comes down to considering Corporate Social Responsibility – in this case, internal social sustainability. Managers, including occupational health, wellness and safety managers, report KPIs monthly, quarterly and/or annually. Often, the human element is missing in all the numbers.
When interviewing recognized leaders in the Occupational Health and Safety Profession regarding how they demonstrate value, they indicated that personal stories were always included in KPI reports. And they said that the personal stories always made the key difference among other senior managers. Yet, the other managers didn’t always apply the same reporting behavior.
However, shouldn’t this be case, the KPI model followed by all managers? Including stakeholder stories and indicators that matter to stakeholders AND business success are as important if not more important than reporting on production numbers achieved, injury incident rates, or participation in wellness programs.
Stakeholder measures not only provide a more complete picture, but also focus attention on the essential aspects of the business and work environment – internal social sustainability, which is where corporate social responsibility begins. All should be concerned and want to maintain a pulse on these indicators that matter most.
Consider KPIs addressing,
- Employee Engagement and Satisfaction
- Safety and Well-Being
- Turnover
- Collaboration
- Innovation
- Interactions with Customers and Clients
- Customer and Client Satisfaction
Aren’t these some of the key measures that are essential for business success as well as individual and organizational well-being?
What other social and/or relational KPIs should be considered or that are tracked at your organization?