Navigating The Journey Into 2021 Using the 3 H’s As The Guide

As we all look back on 2020, what more can be said than has already been described?  Businesses, communities, families, and individuals learned much, including how to pivot, to embrace change and impermanence, and the importance of connections – both close and casual connections.  We also realized the importance of gratitude, asking for and giving help, civility and social justice.

As we navigate the new year let the 3 H’s, be the compass for planning safety, wellness, and leadership development initiatives.




Consider the following topics as you plan initiatives for 2021. With the 3 H’s as the guide journey toward,

  • Building Trust
  • Having Difficult Conversations and Listening to Difficult Experiences
  • Taking Time to Pause and to Listen – to Our Self and to Each Other
  • Recognizing, Accepting, and Addressing: Fears, Concerns, and Anxiety; and Ditto for All of the Other Emotions Experienced
  • Leading The Change For A Better Society, Community, and Work Environment
  • Embracing All Dimensions of Wellness & Safety
  • Replacing Judgment with Curiosity
  • Accepting That It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

Remember that it is the journey that matters.  Rather than focus only on the outcomes, enjoy the process and what is unfolding.  It is in the messy, chaotic middle where learning occurs, and where safety, well-being, and a great place to work are co-created. It truly is the journey that matters! 

Photo by Josefin on Unsplash

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