Shouldn’t The U.S. Have The Best Healthcare?

Yes, without question the U.S. should offer the best healthcare in the world!  Many say that we do; however, year after year the research finds otherwise based on exorbitant cost, poor health outcomes, and access inequality.

Bloomberg recently published findings from a Commonwealth Fund study indicating that since the pandemic the gap has widened between U.S. healthcare dollar spending and the rest of the world. The U.S. continues to have the largest investment in care with the poorest returns. The U.S. ranks 39th in life expectancy compared to other nations and is the only high-income country without guaranteed access to healthcare. This results are that adults skip or delay needed medical care. 

The fact is that Americans spend more for care and yet have fewer medical visits than other countries. During our wellness and clearance screening offerings, Dimensions’ staff often hear that employees ration their prescription medicines, do not fill needed medications, and/or do not follow-up with their healthcare provider for needed care. The findings of this study corroborate our data. There needs to be more focus on early diagnosis, preventative care, and medical treatment for conditions without the worry of out-of-pocket spending, and this includes even for those who have health insurance!

Can organizations influence the needed changes? Some organizations are. And many organizations have implemented internal primary care services for their employees. But is it enough to enhance access and equity for all? These conversations are beginning to occur, but more are needed to bring desperately needed changes so that all populations in the U.S. can have access to the best healthcare system in the world.

Bloomberg Article

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